With more than 20 years of experience, our caring staff members are specifically trained in the treatment of sexual addiction and are dedicated to our clients’ successful recovery. To learn more about Mindful Centers please visit our website: www.Mindfulcenters.com


Sano Press is a hybrid of self publishing and traditional publishing. We work exclusively with mental health professionals who are in the process of writing their dream book. From concept to shelf, Sano Press navigates the perils of publishing. For more information please visit our website: www.Sanopress.com


Mari is a trusted business coach with 32 years of experience. She is the founder of, The Counselor’s Coach and provides coaching, consulting, supervision, clinical materials, and dedicated support to mental health professionals across the U.S. and around the world.

Additionally, Mari is a popular national speaker and keynote on topics of addiction, betrayal trauma and women’s issues. She is the co-author of ,“Facing Heartbreak: Steps to Recovery for Partners of Sex Addicts”, and the author of, “Healing Betrayal”, and The Creative Clinician”, and a contributing author to “Behavioral Addictions: Criteria, Evidence and Treatment.” Her next book, “The Gift in the Wound: Stories of Resiliency and Hope” will be out in 2022.

 You may contact Mari at: mari@thecounselorscoach.com

To schedule coaching or supervision with Mari: www.TheCounselorsCoach.com